Payment Methods
Checks and Money Orders are accepted. You can also sign up for automatic draft payments through your checking or savings account. For more information on signing up for automatic draft please contact our office.
You can also mail your payments to:
Palm Valley Water Service
1313 N. Stuart Place Rd.
Harlingen, TX 78552
or bring in your payment to our office. We are not responsible for lost or misdirected mail. It is your responsibility to ensure that our office receives your payment. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. thru 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). For your convenience a 24-hour drop box for payments is located outside City Hall.
Additional Information about your Water Service
Disconnect Notices:
If your bill has not been paid by the next billing you will receive a disconnect notice. The disconnect notice will have the total amount due and the entire amount MUST be paid before the 10th of the following month or the service will be disconnected.
There is a $50.00 reconnect fee for reconnects processed during business hours. If you request that your service be reconnected after business hours an additional $25 after hours service fee will be added after 5:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. The $75.00 (after hours reconnect fee) must be paid in full by 9:00 a.m. on the following business day or your water service will be subject to disconnection and additional charges may apply.
Returned Check:
If we receive a check back you will be notified by mail advising you of your returned check. This notice will inform you the reason your check was returned and the amount due including all applicable fees. If it is not paid by the date indicated on the notice your water service will be subjected to interruption and additional charges may apply.
Payment for a returned check must be made with a money order or cashiers check.
Office Hours:
Monday –Friday(excluding holidays)
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.